Bring an unexpected enchanting element of living art to your next event with Flower Sway Pole! Audiences will be in awe by our towering 25-foot tall pole (7.6 meters) bending and swaying, in a hypnotic rhythmic motion, as if being blown in the wind. This flower is topped with an ethereal female figure effortlessly controlling her momentum as she interacts with onlookers. The freestanding structure is completely self-contained, requiring absolutely no additional rigging or ground-support. The base in which the pole is secured measures 8×8 ft in dimension, and provides a very sturdy platform for performers to safely mount the apparatus.
The massive elegant petals transform you to a mesmerizing garden. Our Sway Pole Aerialist can also spin atop the structure, an innovative element unique to AntiGravity alone (costume modifications may apply). Other specialty features engineered exclusively by AntiGravity include a variety of ‘safety components’ unlike any other Sway Pole. For example, AntiGravity’s unique setup features a back-up safety connection that’s attached to the performer at all times. We’ve also designed a hidden waist harness & padded metal leg restraints welded to the pole column, which allows performers to move more confidently with multiple points of contact.
Additionally, a custom rope & pulley system is used to assist the performer when mounting/dismounting the apparatus in the safest and most effortless way. Our one-of-a-kind Sway Pole provides the highest quality construction with the top talent available. The act is especially effective for large venues, festivals, outside events, and theme parks that benefit from continuous attention-grabbing entertainment performed on a structure that can be seen even from long distances. This unique act guarantees a reaction like no other!